Someone very meaningful to me once advised that “wherever you go, go with all your heart”. Such good advice and I have been striving to do this ever since. It’s been 26 years now since I followed my passion to start an adoption agency, and knew that the agency had to have lots of heart, kindness for the families who would be adopting, and huge love for these families who make the decision to add a precious child to their family- one of the biggest decisions imaginable! I have done that, in founding Heartsent Adoptions, Inc. (1995), which is still going strong and has clear direction about moving forward. I have to say, its such a hard thing to leave a “job” you love, a part of your life that has become a dream come true for so many --including our own family, as we adopted two more children into our family since starting Heartsent with already 3 adopted children at home. So it is with some sadness as well as a lot of pride that I tell you now that I have retired from Heartsent as the Executive Director as of March 31, 2022.
There are so many things I will miss in my daily life from making this move, but I know I will remain connected to Heartsent always in important ways, too. After some time getting reacquainted with our 8 grandchildren (!) and 5 grown children (!!), my husband and I will spend some much-needed time on the Northern coast of California enjoying the ocean and the mountains there. Soon we will celebrate another important anniversary- 45 beautiful years of marriage! Yikes!
It has been such an honor and a privilege (and so much fun!) to assist you in your adoptions, and I wish you all the best in the many other life-changing decisions of your life. Wayne Mott is now Heartsent's Executive Director. He has a degree in Social Work, over 30 years of experience in the field of adoptions and child welfare. Under his leadership, you will be in good hands as always, working with our team at Heartsent. I picture each of you enjoying your families, and I extend to you my heartfelt thanks for your loving contributions to our mission at Heartsent over all these years-
Warmly yours, Val
Val Free, LMFT
Someone very meaningful to me once advised that “wherever you go, go with all your heart”. Such good advice and I have been striving to do this ever since. It’s been 26 years now since I followed my passion to start an adoption agency, and knew that the agency had to have lots of heart, kindness for the families who would be adopting, and huge love for these families who make the decision to add a precious child to their family- one of the biggest decisions imaginable! I have done that, in founding Heartsent Adoptions, Inc. (1995), which is still going strong and has clear direction about moving forward. I have to say, its such a hard thing to leave a “job” you love, a part of your life that has become a dream come true for so many --including our own family, as we adopted two more children into our family since starting Heartsent with already 3 adopted children at home. So it is with some sadness as well as a lot of pride that I tell you now that I have retired from Heartsent as the Executive Director as of March 31, 2022.
There are so many things I will miss in my daily life from making this move, but I know I will remain connected to Heartsent always in important ways, too. After some time getting reacquainted with our 8 grandchildren (!) and 5 grown children (!!), my husband and I will spend some much-needed time on the Northern coast of California enjoying the ocean and the mountains there. Soon we will celebrate another important anniversary- 45 beautiful years of marriage! Yikes!
It has been such an honor and a privilege (and so much fun!) to assist you in your adoptions, and I wish you all the best in the many other life-changing decisions of your life. Wayne Mott is now Heartsent's Executive Director. He has a degree in Social Work, over 30 years of experience in the field of adoptions and child welfare. Under his leadership, you will be in good hands as always, working with our team at Heartsent. I picture each of you enjoying your families, and I extend to you my heartfelt thanks for your loving contributions to our mission at Heartsent over all these years-
Warmly yours, Val
Val Free, LMFT
Message from the Heartsent Adoptions Board of Directors
After Val Free and her husband Dick adopted their first three of five children, Val saw the need for an adoption agency that would bring kindness, understanding, and grace into the often fraught process of adoption. So they pooled their formidable skill sets and started Heartsent – an adoption agency with heart. Twenty-six years later, Heartsent has been integral to the formation of thousands of loving families and has changed lives around the world.
As of March 31, 2022, Val has retired as Heartsent's Executive Director. It is impossible to overstate the impact of Val’s passion for healthy families, her commitment to Heartsent’s mission, her organizational and clinical skills, her courage and vision in building worldwide programs and services that bring parents to children who need them, her perseverance and creativity in facing down the challenges of the changing adoption landscape, and her friendship and support of all of us who walk together the inimitable journey of adoption.
The Board of Directors of Heartsent recognizes that the core values of the agency mirror the core values of its founders. We are profoundly grateful for Val’s integrity and for her years of intensely hard work to build practices, processes, and programs that make it possible for families to form and grow. Long after her retirement, Val’s commitments and character will continue to influence and support the adoption experience and families will continue to form and grow as a result.
As Val moves into her well-deserved retirement, Heartsent stands firm as a solid, stable agency, a singular accomplishment in and of itself. With deep gratitude, the Heartsent Board salutes Val’s countless sacrifices and contributions and wishes her a fulfilling, rich, and restful season of retirement.
Val and the Board have chosen Wayne Mott, MSW as Heartsent's new Executive Director. We all have full confidence in his ability and training and look forward to many more years with Wayne at Heartsent's helm.
Board of Directors, 2022
Heartsent Adoptions, Inc.
After Val Free and her husband Dick adopted their first three of five children, Val saw the need for an adoption agency that would bring kindness, understanding, and grace into the often fraught process of adoption. So they pooled their formidable skill sets and started Heartsent – an adoption agency with heart. Twenty-six years later, Heartsent has been integral to the formation of thousands of loving families and has changed lives around the world.
As of March 31, 2022, Val has retired as Heartsent's Executive Director. It is impossible to overstate the impact of Val’s passion for healthy families, her commitment to Heartsent’s mission, her organizational and clinical skills, her courage and vision in building worldwide programs and services that bring parents to children who need them, her perseverance and creativity in facing down the challenges of the changing adoption landscape, and her friendship and support of all of us who walk together the inimitable journey of adoption.
The Board of Directors of Heartsent recognizes that the core values of the agency mirror the core values of its founders. We are profoundly grateful for Val’s integrity and for her years of intensely hard work to build practices, processes, and programs that make it possible for families to form and grow. Long after her retirement, Val’s commitments and character will continue to influence and support the adoption experience and families will continue to form and grow as a result.
As Val moves into her well-deserved retirement, Heartsent stands firm as a solid, stable agency, a singular accomplishment in and of itself. With deep gratitude, the Heartsent Board salutes Val’s countless sacrifices and contributions and wishes her a fulfilling, rich, and restful season of retirement.
Val and the Board have chosen Wayne Mott, MSW as Heartsent's new Executive Director. We all have full confidence in his ability and training and look forward to many more years with Wayne at Heartsent's helm.
Board of Directors, 2022
Heartsent Adoptions, Inc.